Monday, January 28, 2008

The Black Lagoon by Mike Thaler

A series that includes books such as: The Teacher from the Black Lagoon: The teacher is like a monster. She has a tail, breathes fire at children, gives homework the first day of school, etc. Is she real?; The Class Pet from the Black Laggon: The class wanted a pet. Mrs Green, the teacher, will bring one from home. The children started to think how the animal will look like. Will it have stripes? Will it have fur? Will it have headlights? The Librarian from the Black Lagoon: Everybody said that the librarian is ugly and likes to do horrible things - puts glue on all the chairs, uses a real mouse in the computer ... Is it true? The School Nurse from the Black Lagoon: The kids think that the nurse is very bad and could kill them. What did happen to the kid who had to go in her room? Find out the answers for all the questions by reading the books. (João Gabriel Teixeira, 3B,; Damire Dixon, 4A; Jason Yu, 3A; Michael Baggio, 3B; Kelly Quillin, 4B)

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